How to treat a smashed finger
As virtually all things eventually must come to an end, I had to do something about that fingernail and it’s pretty colours.
The blood underneath the nail was causing a lot of pressure, resulting in a rather swollen finger. Not to mention, the skin was feeling uncomfortably (read: painfully) tight. So what does one do in this situation? Well, you have to relieve the pressure. Yes, you can treat this yourself, and yes, it will feel much better afterwards.
While this treatment may sound like it came from a torture scene in a horror movie, it can feel like torture — if not done properly! Follow the instructions, however, and it should actually be a painless — and pain-relieving — procedure.
Do not follow these instructions if:
Note: If you’re a minor, it’s smart to have parental supervision before following these instructions. Also, I take no responsibility if you do something stupid in the course of relieving your finger(s) of pressure from blood
under the nail. In other words, proceed at your own risk.
You’ll need a few important tools to succeed at this. Here’s the list:
Optionally, I recommend that you have a few assistants, especially if this is your first time doing this procedure:
It’s probably a good idea for everyone involved to wash their hands with soap and water, if available, beforehand. Next, identify the area of the fingernail that appears to have the most blood trapped underneath, and mark the center of the area with a dot, using the pen.
Step 1: Straighten the paper clip
Un-bend the paper clip so you have about a 2 or 3 inch straight section, leaving one end still bent. Any longer than that makes accuracy more difficult.
Step 2: Heat up the paper clip
Use the pliers to hold the paper clip on the section that is still bent, for the best grip. Over the gas flame, heat the tip of the straightened end until it is red-hot. This is important! Unless you’re a masochist, it must be red-hot.
Step 3: Insert red hot paper clip into fingernail
Using the dot you made with the pen as your target, gently push the red-hot tip of the paper clip through the nail. It will quickly melt right through - don’t go deeper than a millimeter or so. Again, if it’s not red-hot, you will have to force it, and trust me, that doesn’t feel so great. Warning: due to the pressure, you may experience some brief squirting action. I had a single thread-thin string of liquid red shoot about 2 meters. Sorry, no camera
footage -- you’ll just have to believe me on that one.
Step 4: Press out extra blood
Optional but recommended: After you create the hole, squeeze the sides of the finger next to the affected area to remove any excess trapped fluid. This should extend the time it takes before it’s necessary to repeat the procedure up to maybe a day or two.
Here’s the video, so you can see it all in action. Well, steps 3 and 4 anyway. It’s even formatted for your video-enabled iPod so you can gross out your friends and family!
Step 5: Clean up.
Resources and more info
Vandenberg Air Force Base 30th Medical Group Self Care Guide
(Update: original page is missing or moved, so now linking to the archived version at the Wayback Machine)
While this treatment may sound like it came from a torture scene in a horror movie, it can feel like torture — if not done properly! Follow the instructions, however, and it should actually be a painless — and pain-relieving — procedure.
Do not follow these instructions if:
- you don’t feel a lot of pressure or see swelling of the finger around the nail
- your finger is deformed from the smashing (in this case, definitely see a doctor)
- the damage is not just limited to the end of your finger or involves a significant cut (also, see a doctor)
- your finger has not been smashed
- you’re a wimp, or you’re not sure if you’re a wimp.
Note: If you’re a minor, it’s smart to have parental supervision before following these instructions. Also, I take no responsibility if you do something stupid in the course of relieving your finger(s) of pressure from blood
under the nail. In other words, proceed at your own risk.
You’ll need a few important tools to succeed at this. Here’s the list:
- medium-sized metal paper clip
- pliers (for holding the paper clip)
- pen (I prefer Sharpie)
- gas burner
- matches or a lighter (if the burner is not self-lighting), and
- something (preferably clean) to wipe up the blood.
Optionally, I recommend that you have a few assistants, especially if this is your first time doing this procedure:
- One steady-handed and strong-stomached person. This is particularly helpful if you’re not feeling up to doing it yourself, as you may be a little queasy or weak from the idea, or just not feeling so hot in general.
- If necessary, one or two more people to hold you down.
It’s probably a good idea for everyone involved to wash their hands with soap and water, if available, beforehand. Next, identify the area of the fingernail that appears to have the most blood trapped underneath, and mark the center of the area with a dot, using the pen.
Step 1: Straighten the paper clip
Un-bend the paper clip so you have about a 2 or 3 inch straight section, leaving one end still bent. Any longer than that makes accuracy more difficult.
Step 2: Heat up the paper clip
Use the pliers to hold the paper clip on the section that is still bent, for the best grip. Over the gas flame, heat the tip of the straightened end until it is red-hot. This is important! Unless you’re a masochist, it must be red-hot.
Step 3: Insert red hot paper clip into fingernail
Using the dot you made with the pen as your target, gently push the red-hot tip of the paper clip through the nail. It will quickly melt right through - don’t go deeper than a millimeter or so. Again, if it’s not red-hot, you will have to force it, and trust me, that doesn’t feel so great. Warning: due to the pressure, you may experience some brief squirting action. I had a single thread-thin string of liquid red shoot about 2 meters. Sorry, no camera
footage -- you’ll just have to believe me on that one.
Step 4: Press out extra blood
Optional but recommended: After you create the hole, squeeze the sides of the finger next to the affected area to remove any excess trapped fluid. This should extend the time it takes before it’s necessary to repeat the procedure up to maybe a day or two.
Here’s the video, so you can see it all in action. Well, steps 3 and 4 anyway. It’s even formatted for your video-enabled iPod so you can gross out your friends and family!
Step 5: Clean up.
Resources and more info
Vandenberg Air Force Base 30th Medical Group Self Care Guide
(Update: original page is missing or moved, so now linking to the archived version at the Wayback Machine)
I couldn't sleep at night due to the throbbing pressure. I was hesitant but I performed it and I am now relieved.
De nada, amigo! I'm glad I could help. =)
been suffering for 36 hours.. finally got my wife to do it as my thumb looked like a water balloon filled to the popping point. ahhhh relief, and no pain in the process whatsoever. fascinating!
I didn't think I was going to be able to work at all this week. I looked online and found this and it worked! Thanks for the info!
i smashed my thumb last month, i took an appointment in a clinic today, he said he is going to release pressure from it, hope he will do it properly.
@Lisa: You're very welcome. :)
@Ghelasha: Wow, almost a month with no treatment? Sounds painful! Anyway, I'd love to hear what he does to release the pressure... please report back if you get a chance!
I came across this remedy doing a search and after trying what you suggested I had to reply with a Big Thank You ! There wasn't any pain whatsoever in the process. Instant relief.
The paper clip worked! I smashed my finger in the car 5 days ago. My co-workers had been suggesting all week that I put a hot needle through my nail. I finally asked my husband to try it yesterday but with the paper clip. I felt immediate relief from the pressure. It was hard to get the nerve to do it but it worked! Try using Medi-Honey to prevent infection.
Lisa 2
youre the man!!! it worked and i got rid of a ton of the blood!!!
Thank you for having this information and the video made it easier and helped convince me to stick a red hot wire in my black nail.
I smashed my finger a week ago and luckily there was already a split on my nail. All I did though was use a needle instead of a paper clip with no heat. You feel more relief than pain once you poke though. I been though this a couple of times so the poking the finger thing isn't so hard to do. Now I just got to grow a new nail. Cool video too!
Thanx, i sort of knew that you had to pierce in nd that, I couldn't bring my self to head up a paperclip n pierce it through my nail, but i did use a non heated needel to relief the blood from under my nail, which realy did help alot, it has been throbbing since 8a.m when i trapped it in my mum's car...awch lol.
Anyways thanx,
and i did it slowly under the nail n the blood squeezed out has taken off some pressre......just gonna have to convince myself to do it properly as that didn't hurt anywhere near as much as i thought it would.
Thanx again, Danielle 15 years.
Go to the hardware store and buy the smallest drill bit they have. A 1/16th is about right. Using the drill bit with YOUR HAND gently apply pressure and twist the drill bit into the injured nailbed. It will start cutting through very quickly and painlessly. Within a minute you'll be through the nail and the pressure will be relived. For you weak stomach folks.......forget the hot paperclip/needle method.
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smashed finger roofing, 36 hours later it started to look like a grape was growing out of the fingerprint side! Fiance found your site and convinced me to get out of bed with my ice pack. We don't have a gas stove; after trying the paperclip held in a candle and a butane lighter it barely dented it. And, of course, got some squeaks from me... tough enough to work on the roof an extra day w/ a smashed finger... but not to watch a paperclip try to sink into my finger! I thank Anonymous up there - I got out mt new Irwin 1/16th" bit and slowly twisted it myself, watching bits of my nail get worked away. I spun it till watery red liquid oozed, spun it a bit more - and one last time for good measure and hit meat- ouch. Unfortunately I didn't get the dramatic squirt, but my nail has most of its normal color back. The huge swelling on the inside of my finger is about 1/2, and my cuticle is again above the nail. Whew. Thank you!!! I recommend the new drill bit!
-p.s. do not pour alcohol in the hole, it hurt like holy hell - worst pain of the whole ordeal!!!
thanks. whoddathunk i coud get such pleasure from a read hot paperclip.
wife was too grosed out to help so i was using my left hand. took a few tries to get it through so i now havea smiliey face for nail.
my kids (2,4) loved seeing dad scream and have blood squirting all over the place.
My husband smashed his finger 2 days ago and he couldn't sleep or even play his PS3! At 3am he finally couldn't take it anymore and found your video online. He did it just as you described and instant relief. Thanks So Much! Now I can get some sleep. Helen
Wow if I could only tell you how long it took me to grow the balls to do this. But Im sure glad I did! The pain is still there but not nearly as much as before. What I did was go very slow, heat the paper clip, poke, heat, poke. Over and over til I saw blood.
just tried it and it worked! stop when you see blood coming out of the hole...or you'll cause more pain to the tissues below!
I thought u were totally insane when I read through this but seriously this is the Shizzle!! it works like a dream!! aaaaah relief at last.
I took me three times to work up the nerve but finally I did
ah... so much blood and instant relief
i got up to supplies and it made my stomach turn. i will stick with the pain...although i would like this throbbing to stop!
i smashed by finger terribly. the entire finger is blue as well as the nail which is going to fall off. It's been one week and still throbbing. Went to doctor who confirmed I just have to wait it out.
But Good News - had some TRAUMEEL around the house. Can get at health food store. Made in Germany. A cream. Super reduced the pain. Also am taking a homeopathic by BHI for Inflammation. Both are very good companies and I'm swearing by the TRAUMEEL Cream. It's the ONLY thing which has greatly reduced the pain. Good luck to all.
my mom just did this and we found it worked a ton faster and easier with a needle. thanks a lot! :)
A much easier and painless way to treat a smashed thumb or finger nail. Simply apply Ben Gay to a small piece of cloth, wrap the cloth around the injured nail. Hold it there for about 20 minutes, it WILL relieve the pressure. I learned this from an older lady that applied this to a nail that I had damaged. I have used it one other time with the same results. Nothing to lose but the cost of a tube of Ben GAy.
i heard about this a long time ago but i was sceptical, last night i smashed my finger hard and couldnt sleep all night, i tried the hot paper clip but it only half way through, i then took a small drill bit and finsished the job, feals way better. ty
Thanks for the info. My cousin is just about to start the procedure himself. He is on his way to get his torch!
After reading this article and the accompanying posts
I decided to go with the drill bit. I went to my garage and picked out the smallest bit I had, around 1/32"
After dipping it in rubbing alcohol I twirled it between my thumb and index finger and in about 60 seconds I had a perfect painless hole through the nail and blood started oozing out. Squeezed out as much as possible and now the swelling is down and it is no longer throbbing. Thanks for everyones input. I'm sure the paper clip would have worked and if I didn't already have a supply of drill bits I would have gone that route.
Ahhhhh....the relief!!! Thank you!
OK Moving a 2x6 it droped on my thumb from about 3 inches high into the concrete floor. I knew it was a different feeling then other smashed fingers I have had. Now I have a broken thumb and have a narley blood blister under my nail and quick. My doc said use a paper clip and burn a hole in in the nail. I thought this was crazy... My son found this site to explain the process and I opted for the whimp paragrah about not attempting this proceedure, until my wife called me out. So needless to say I had to give this hot paper clip through the nail a try. It worked great now other then the broken bone I dont have as much pain. The only difficulty was using my off hand to hold the pliers with the clip and then keeping the clip hot enough to burn the nail. It took a few tries but I am in less pain then before and burning the nail did not hurt at all.... pushing the blood out hurt a bit but the ends justified the means.
State of Jefferson Bob
Nicely done brother. Now leave the hole open for a day or two? Or drop of super glue to close it up?
Shut my thumb in a door and it swelled up really bad with a lot of pain, went to doctor after seeing your site (not that I didn't trust!) And he did exactly what you said to do.
I think the skinny razor-sharp point of a straight Exacto knife works well. Go buy one if you need to and get the blade that comes to a narrow straight point (not curved).
Just sterilize the knife and gently twirl the point on your fingernail until blood comes out. As the blood begins to clot, drench your finger in hydrogen peroxide and lightly repeat twirling the knife on the same spot. This will keep it open for a few minutes and allow even more blood to come out.
I just did my own and the nail looks pretty much normal after letting some blood. This did not hurt and by morning, my finger will be much better.
Take 800mg of Ibuprofen, drill your nail, apply a bandaid with some antibiotic ointment, and go to bed.
All this talk about propane torches and lancing yourself with a red-hot poker is for people who need drama.
This worked great! I was a little skeptical to try it and I was alos afraid of burning myself haha! I did it all by myself and I got 95 of the blood out of my finger, I didnt burn myself and all the swelling is gone. I cant believe how well this worked! Thank you so much for the advice! not sure if i should do it or not.. it really hurts but, what do u guys think?
Amazing! I have never heard of such a thing! We looked online to avoid going to the emergency room. My Husband was in agony!Truly "One of the damndest things" Thanks ... we can get some sleep now....
hey i smashed my finger on a axe it cracked my nail and now its starting to swell please help
@Anonymous - Sorry, I can't give you personal medical advice... but I think you should probably see a doctor. A small clinic is usually better than a hospital. Hope it gets better soon!
I used the drill method,what a relief
Wow, I cant believe that I convinced my wife to let me drill a hole in her nail. She smashed it good. It was filled with blood, swollen, and throbbing real bad. It is 11:00 at night and she is crying and I can sleep. 10 min. later after reading this thread, I talked her into it and with a 1/16 drill bit. 60 seconds later I had gotten through her nail and relieved the pressure and blood.
Thank you google and Rafael for creating help without the $500 ER bill.
my father does the drill method, which works great but my husband used the paper clip like you suggested because we didn't have the drill, and he was relieved immediately. This is an awesome home remedy, thanks for the tip and the video convinced us all, you rock!!
I wish I did it when I squeezed my finger!
Yesterday, my finger got smashed btw 500 lbs of drywall and the wall. My nail turned blue instantly! I barely slept last nite. Found this method today. Paperclip works best as it melts ur nail. Just make sure don't push too hard. Mine went right thru my nail and blood gushed out. No throbbing pain anymore!
thanks to the poster for suggesting a bit. worked for me but go really slow
I smashed my finger pretty bad yesterday. Right after it happened a friend of mine asked if I wanted her to put a hole in it. I looked at her crazy and said no way! But 6 hours later I couldn't sllep so I looked online and this is what I found. I used a needle and it TRULY was painless and REALLY worked. The pressure is gone.
Smashed my ring finger really bad yesterday and after about 6 hours of pain my dad said "so did you have to burn a hole in your nail to fix it?" I thought he was joking till I googled it and found this. Immediately I told my husband to get the blow torch and we did it and im amazed to say that it did instantly remove the pressure under the nail. Sadly, I smashed it so hard that the other side of my finger (the bed part) is also swollen and red, cant relieve that but thank you so much for this. The nailbed relief is enough for an internet high five!
Thank u so much the releif is awesome
Edmonton,ab Canada
48 hours after slamming the trunk on my thumb and by then the pain was excruciating. Faithful Sis tried to heat the paper clip until it was red hot. It took forever and never really got red but it got hot enough to make an indentation in the nail. We continued with a red hot needle and finally pierced the nail. Blood didn't spurt out but oozed as we squeezed the thumb. Not total relief but enough so that it is bearable. Thank you for the step by step instructions.
I was terrified at first. Just remember though that a nail has no nerves on it, otherwise it would hurt when you cut them!..also make sure the paper clip is still red hot when you press it lightly on your nail..this way it will melt/burn through easily. Dont worry when you see the smoke coming from your nail either.Finally, dont think that all pain will be gone because dont forget that your finger has recently been injured, so you will still experience some degree of pain in the following few days from the injury you sustained. However the throbbing and sleepless nights etc are banished. In my experience id say a 60/70% reduction in discomfort and pain...which is sooo much better than it was!!..
hello I smashed my finger in october it is january now, the swelling and pain went away, my nail came off, and a new one regrew but, I noticed that where my injury occured, pain is coming back there is slight swelling and redness on the skin just behind the nail, also under the nail is discoloring a little a bit reddish what is your advice, pain is not substantial just annoying. and swelling is slight.
i poked a whole through it but hardly any blood came out, should i do it again,i have a stinging pain between my thumb nuckle an nail mostly.
i poked a whole in my nail but hardly any blood came out, should i do it again, i also have alot of pain between my black nail and thumb nuckle.
Hi Kim,
The point of the procedure is to relieve pressure so if pain from pressure is gone, then you're set. Sometimes people experience the pressure build up a second time, and repeat the process to take care of it. That being said, I'm no doctor and can't really give advice other than that. Hope that helps!
My Husband got his middle finger smashed by a car jack and he was in really bad pain, he could'nt hardly talk that's how bad it was hurting him. So I got on the internet and found this and he did it right away. He used a needle and when he poked the hole in his nail he said awwww it feels alot better. I did not know what to do for him but give him motrin and it didn't help. So I read this to him and he really did get instant relief. I could'nt believe it, I didn't think it would help. Who ever came up with this is a genius. He is pain free. If you smashed your finger you really need to do this, it does NOT hurt. Your finger is already hurting really bad and is probably numb so dont be scared you will NOT feel it. You will feel relief right away. Thank You so much for the information.
Will this still work 22hours after I smashed my finger? Is it possible that the blood will dry and no difference will happen?
@Anonymous, glad I could help!
@Chris, please re-read the Precautions section. This should still work if you have trouble bending your finger without pain due to pressure from swelling.
CRIKEY! All you have to do is lift the tip of the nail and the blood will come out. Masochist you is! lol
Sorry Cindy - while that may be true for people with an injury right on the tip of the finger, for many, it's not. Just lifting the tip of the nail in my case would only have resulted in more pain.
I did it with a 1/16 drill bit as suggested in a comment. I used my fingers to manipulate the bit, not my drill!!! It took a couple minutes to get the bit to take hold and not skate all over the nail. Just go slow and you will succeed. It did not hurt. I made a second hole because the first was not in the right spot. The second hole produced a better result: more relief and more blood. I only wish I would not have taken a pain pill and they make me queasy and I still have a door to finish installing. My finger still hurts, I smashed it full force with a hammer after all, but it is better.
This mornin I smashed my thumb with a 35lb dunbell, I swung it like an axe and smash. I crackd it also. Ten. Hours later it was unbearable. I got. Safety. Pin fired it red and started took my like six stabs and then. Blood started to gusgin. Collected a good amount in my hand little puddle. Instant relive
The most amazing experience, i have ever had. I would have bet big money there would be "some" pain involved; but there wasn't. Thanks for posting the reassureing comment; they gave me courage to "try" the procedure.
Yeah......this HURTS....even if it helps! NOT as easy as all the comments say.....hurt and burned...not much blood released.....
holy sh** it worked
I smashed my finger Friday night. It did not turn my nail blue or purple. But it started leaking clear water looking liquid out from under my nail. Now the tip of my finger is really swollen and red and my nail is lifted a bit. Still not discolored though. Should I try this?
Probably not!
I smashed my pointer finger in a car door 2 weeks ago,I tried the paper clip method last night correctly and wasn't successful and now left with 2 puncture marks on finger nail where the injury and trapped blood is. My only question is what do u do if blood is still not seeping out after doing the paper clip method correctly, there isn't any pain since it's a two week old injury but it's still black I don't know what to do next to eliminate trapped blood underneath
I hit my finger with a hammer while building something for my English class... And it hasn't healed yet and I know it's been over a week at least...I am honestly freaking out because it is still black on the edge of my nail but like I can't do this causing myself to bleed when it is already injured I don't see how that could help my mom says it will heal on its own and if it bothers me so much I should just paint my nails but I don't want to do that either because what if it gets worse from the chemicals or just worse and I don't realize it because the paint is covering it...I honestly don't know what to do :/
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